Hamilton City Gymsports Junior Competition Results

1st Team
Miko, Paige, Shala, Chloe
11 Jul

Last weekend our Junior Competitive Squad Step 1-3 competed in the Junior Artistic Competition in Hamilton. The gymnasts did us proud receiving some top results. Place getter highlights:

* Step 1
Overs Division
Miko Hutt - 1st Vault, 2nd Bar, 1st Beam, 2nd= Floor, 1st Overall, 1st Team
Jasmine Hennebry - 2nd=Vault, 1st Bar, 1st Floor, 2nd Overall
Chloe Roelofse - 4th Overall, 1st Team
Paige Moon - 2nd Beam, 6= Overall, 1st Team

Unders Division
Shala O'Brien - 1st Vault, 1st Bar, 1st Beam, 1st Floor, 1st Overall, 1st Team

* Step 2
Overs Division
Anastasia Tsatsas - 1st Bar, 1st Floor, 1st Overall, 1st Team

Unders Division
Sophia Hands - 2nd= Vault, 2nd Bar, 2nd Beam, 1st Floor, 1st Overall, 1st Team
Hope Schuster - 2nd= Vault, 1st Bar, 1st Beam, 2nd Floor, 2nd Overall, 1st Team
Alice Whitehead - 3rd Beam, 4th Overall, 1st Team
Ruby McCluskie - 1st Vault, 6th Overall

Well done to our Step 3’s who have made great progress this year! Keep it up. Also a shout out to Abbey and Panit who competed in a Senior Competition in Hastings over the weekend. Well done girls!

Big thank-you to our amazing coaches and we’d also like to acknowledge Kiti Taituha who judged all weekend to make this opportunity possible for our gymnasts. Thank-you